
Gautreau, M and R.A. Curry. 2020. Inland Fishes of New Brunswick. Canadian Rivers Institute, Fredericton, NB. ISBN 978-0-9952041-0-2

Kidd, S.D., R.A. Curry, and K.R. Munkittrick (Editors).  2011.  The Saint John River: A State of the Environment Report.  Published by the Canadian Rivers Institute, Fredericton, NB.  ISBN 978-1-55131-158-6.

Book Chapters:

Curry, R.A., R.M. Hughes, M. McMaster, and D. Zafft. 2024. Chapter 9: Coldwater Fish in Rivers. Pages x-x in Standard Sampling Methods for North American Freshwater Fishes, Second Edition. Edited by S. Bonar, W. Hubert, and D. Willis. AFS Publications, Bethesda, MD, USA – Invited.

Monk, W.A., M.A. Gray, J.H. McCarthy, K.M. Samways, and R.A. Curry. 2023. Chapter 21 - Atlantic Coast Rivers of Canada. Pages 890-924 in eds. M.D. Delong, T.D. Jardine, A.C. Benke, C.E. Cushing. Rivers of North America (Second Edition), Academic Press, ISBN 9780128188477. - Invited

Mandrak, E.N., R.A. Curry, P. Dumont, J.D. Reist, E.B. Taylor, and D.A. Watkinson. 2023. Chapter 1: Zoogeography of the Freshwater Fishes of Canada, Freshwater Fisheries in Canada. Pages x-x in Freshwater Fisheries in Canada: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on the Resources and Their Management, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. - Invited.

Curry, R.A., K.A. Kidd, A. Valois, and A. Mercer.  2011.  Water Quality.  Pages 77-93 in The Saint John River: A State of the Environment Report.  Edited by S.D. Kidd, R.A. Curry, and K.R. Munkittrick.  Canadian Rivers Institute, Fredericton, NB, Canada.  ISBN 978-1-55131-158-6. 

Munkittrick, K.R., R.A. Curry, M.D. Gautreau, C.A. Doherty, D.A. Methven, and S.C. Courtenay.  2011.  Fishes of the Saint John River.  Pages 111-141 in The Saint John River: A State of the Environment Report.  Edited by S.D. Kidd, R.A. Curry, and K.R. Munkittrick.  Canadian Rivers Institute, Fredericton, NB, Canada.  ISBN 978-1-55131-158-6.

Curry, R.A., and Gautreau, M.D.  2010.  Freshwater fishes of the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone.  Pages 599-612 in Assessment of Species Diversity in the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone. Edited by D.F. McAlpine and I.M. Smith. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, Canada.

Curry, R.A., R.M. Hughes, M. McMaster, and D. Zafft.  2009.  Chapter 9: Coldwater Fish in Rivers.  Pages 139-158 in Standard Sampling Methods for North American Freshwater Fishes.  Edited by S. Bonar, W. Hubert, and D. Willis.  AFS Publications, Bethesda, MD, USA.

Munkittrick, K.R., R.A. Curry, J.M. Culp, R.A. Cunjak, D.L MacLatchy, K.A. Kidd, S.E. Dalton, D.J. Baird and R. Newbury. 2007.  The Saint John River.  Pages 129-145 in Water and Ecosystems: Managing Water in Diverse Ecosystems to Ensure Human Well-being.  Edited by C. King, J. Ramkissoon, M. Clüsener-Godt, and Z. Adeel.  UNU-INWEH, Hamilton, ON, Canada. ISBN 92-808-6002-X.

Cunjak, R.A., R.A. Curry, K. Clarke and D.A. Scruton.  2004.  Fish-forestry studies in Atlantic Canada.  Pages 439-462 in Fishes and Forests: an Approach to Fish-Forestry Interaction.  Edited by T.G. Northcote and G.F. Hartman. Blackwell Science. Oxford, UK.

Doherty, C.A., R.A. Curry, and K.R. Munkittrick. 2004.  Adult white sucker show limited movement near point source discharges in a large Canadian river.  Pages 123-132 in Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent Environmental Fate and Effects.  Edited by D.L. Borton, T.J. Hall, R.P. Fisher, and J.F. Thomas.  DEStech Publication, Lancaster, PA, USA.

Galloway, B.J., K.R. Munkittrick, R.A. Curry, C. Wood, and S. Dunn. 2004. Identifying a suitable fish species for monitoring a large river receiving effluents from a pulp and paper mill, municipal sewage wastewater facilities, and agricultural runoff.  Pages 169-181 in Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent Environmental Fate and Effects.  Edited by D.L. Borton, T.J. Hall, R.P. Fisher, and J.F. Thomas.  DEStech Publication, Lancaster, PA, USA.

Books in preparation:

Mandrak, N.E., Curry, R.A., Dumont, P., Holm, E., Reist, J.D., and Watkinson, D. 2022. Atlas of the Freshwater Fishes of Canada. Annotated with an Illustrated Key. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, ON. (later this year)

Examples of Reports:

Perera, D., Smakhtin, V., Williams, S., North, T., Curry, A., 2021. Ageing Water Storage Infrastructure: An Emerging Global Risk. UNU-INWEH Report Series, Issue 11. UNU Institute for Water, Environment and Health, Hamilton, Canada.

Sandford, R. V. Smakhtin, C. Mayfield, H. Mehmood, J. Pomeroy, C. DeBeer, P. Adapa, K. Freek, E. Pilkington, R. Seraj, R. Boals, C. O’Grady, C. MacAlister, M-A. Phare, M. Miltenberger, V. Goodday, A. Levesque, A. Curry, K. Kun, M. Gouett, and M. Fisher. 2018. Canada in the Global Water World: Analysis of Capabilities. UNU-INWEH Report Series, Issue 03. United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health, Hamilton, Canada.

Krievins, K., Baird, J., Plummer, R., Brandes, O., Curry, A., Imhof, J., Mitchell, S., Moore, M-L., and Gerger Swartling, Å. 2015. Resilience in a Watershed Governance Context: A Primer. Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, Brock University.